lunes, 23 de septiembre de 2013

Esto Es Algo De Una Tarea Que Investigue En Mi Cuaderno Del Pet

Introduction to the PET Vocabulary List 
The PET Vocabulary List gives teachers a guide to the vocabulary needed when preparing 
students for the PET examination. 
Background to the List
The PET list was originally developed by Cambridge ESOL in consultation with external 
consultants to guide item writers who produce materials for the PET examination. It 
includes vocabulary from the Council of Europe’s Threshold (1990) specification and other 
vocabulary which corpus evidence shows is high-frequency. 
The list covers vocabulary appropriate to this level of English and includes receptive 
vocabulary (words that the candidate is expected to understand but which is not the focus 
of a question), and productive vocabulary (words that the candidate needs to know to 
answer a question). 
The list does not provide an exhaustive list of all words which appear on the PET question 
papers and candidates should not confine their study of vocabulary to the list alone. 


afford (v)
afraid (adj)
after (prep) 
afternoon (n) 
afterwards (adv)
again (adv) 
against (prep) 
age (n)
aged (adj)
agent (n)
agency (n)
ago (adv)
agree (v) 
ahead (adv)
aim (n & v) 
air (n)
air-conditioning (n)                      


baby (n) 
back (adv, adj & n) 
background (n) 
backpack (n) 
backwards (prep) 
bad (adj) 
bag (n) 
baggage (n) 
bake (v) 
balance (n) 
balance (v) 
balcony (n) 
bald (adj)
ball (n) 

ballet (n) 

      cause (n & v) 
cave (n)
CD (n) 
CD-Rom (n) 
ceiling (n)
celebrate (v) 
celebration (n) 
celery (n)
cellar (n) 
cent (n) 
centimetre (cm) (n)
central (adj) 
central heating (n)
centre (n)
century (n) 
cereal (n)
certain (adj) 
certificate (n) 
chain (n)
chair (n & v) 
chalk (n) 
challenge (n & v) 
champion (n)

dad (n)
daddy (n)
daily (adj & adv)
damage (n & v)
damp (adj) 
dance (n & v)
danger (n)
dangerous (adj)
dark (adj & n)
date (n & v) 
• today’s date (n) 
• to date a letter (v) 
daughter (n) 
day (n) 
dead (adj) 
deaf (adj) 

deal (with) (v)


each (adj & pron)
ear (n)
earache (n)
early (adj) 
earn (v) 
earring (n)
earth (n)
east (adj, adv & n)
eastern (adj)
easy (adj)
eat (v) 
economics (n)
edge (n)
educate (v)
education (n) 
effect (n) 
efficient (adj)
effort (n)
egg (n)
either (adv, det, pron & conj)

elderly (n & adj)

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